All Virtual Learning Students, please see the following announcement about internet speed test and tomorrow's trial run Google Meet:
Virtual Students who need to pick up supplies for their classes: Pickup will be available Thursday and Friday from 1:00pm-3:30pm.
Please view the Open House Announcements:
Thomasville City Schools will distribute chromebooks to ONLY virtually enrolled students at the THS Gym. A parent/guardian MUST be present to receive a device.
Aug. 31: 1-4 PM,
Sept. 1: 9 AM-12 PM,
Sept. 2: 9 AM-12 PM,
Sept. 3: 5-7 PM
Bulldog Nation, Please read this information regarding Thomasville High School Football Tickets:
Opening Thomasville City Schools August 28th Update:
It's Game Day! Red & Gold Game TONIGHT at 7:30PM!! Pick a side!! Red Team Fans are on the Visitors' Side and Gold Team Fans on the Home Side. #BEST #BulldogPride #WeAreThomasville
Thomasville City Schools will distribute Chromebooks to ONLY virtually enrolled students on the dates and times indicated. The student's name must be on the virtual learning roster. Also, if the student is indicated to still have a Chromebook checked out, another device will not be issued. A parent/guardian MUST be present to receive a device.
Tomorrow, Wednesday, August 26, will be the last meal distribution before school starts. It will be at Thomasville High School from 4 PM to 6 PM or while supplies last. #BulldogPride #KeepGAFed
FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS RETURNS! Stadium Guidelines: Face coverings must be worn by fans when entering, exiting, or moving within the stadium and when social-distancing from others who aren't in their household can be maintained. Social distancing is strongly encouraged. Please bring plates, cups, body soap or white towels for entrance in to the game. Time for the #besT season yet!
Jerger and High School Parents: Your student may qualify for Free/Reduced School Meals. You can now apply for Free/Reduced Meal Benefits for the new school year online. No more paper applications to complete and return to the school office. Visit
To log into Infinite Campus Parent/Student Portal:
Schedules for the 20-21 school year are now available on Infinite Campus. If you would like to drop/add a course, please out the following form:
Student Meal Drive-Thru!!! Tomorrow, Wednesday, August 19 at Thomasville High School, 4PM-6PM or while supplies last. #BulldogPride #WeAreThomasville #KeepGAFed
Due to weather, today's softball game has been cancelled.
Attention 11th and 12 Graders taking classes at Southern Regional Technical College, please check your school email account for an email about the required orientation for those classes.
Student Meal Drive-Thru!!! Same Day, Different Time!!
This Wednesday, August 12 at Thomasville High School, 5PM-7PM or while supplies last. #BulldogPride #WeAreThomasville #KeepGAFed
THS Softball Tournament this weekend! #BulldogPride
Middle and High School schedules will be available in Infinite Campus Portal on Tuesday, August 18th. There will be a Course Drop/Add Google Form available on the school websites at that time for students and parents to complete.
News from Athletics: Today's Season Opener vs. Clinch County has been cancelled.