Tomorrow: HOSA members and students meet in the THS Cafeteria tomorrow during FLEX for a brief meeting.

The Powder Puff Games are tomorrow! 9th vs 10th at 5:00, 11th vs 12th at 6:00 and the Championship Kick-off will be at 7:30. Teachers get in FREE!!  The cost is $5 OR bring a blanket or pack of socks for us to donate to the nursing homes. 

Parent-Teacher Conferences September 28 from 3:30-4:30 PM. If you would like to schedule a conferences with a teacher please contact them soon. 

Agriculture students interested in taking a trip to the Sunbelt Expo in Moultrie on Oct. 19, please pick up a permission slip from Mr. Rollins. The cost is $10. The cut-off date to turn in your money and permission slip is September 30th.

Link to order High School pictures:

The THS JROTC Ultimate Frisbee Team will play an exhibition game versus the Thomasville Fire and Police Departments on Friday, October 21st at 6:00pm. Cheer on at the Veterans Memorial Stadium, admission is only $2!