Sign-ups for Homecoming King start today. Please keep in mind that only Seniors may run. We will vote for Homecoming King the same week we vote for Queen. King will be announced and crowned at the Homecoming Pep Rally.

Parent-Teacher Conferences September 28 from 3:30-4:30 PM. If you would like to schedule a conferences with a teacher please contact them soon. 

There will be a Swim Informational Meeting Wednesday at 3:45 in High School Cafe.

Quiz Bowl has a meeting after school on Wednesday in Mrs. Ariail's room. It will be over by 3:45.

The Powder Puff Games are this Friday. 9th vs 10th at 5:00, 11th vs 12th at 6:00 and the Championship Kick-off will be at 7:30. Teachers get in FREE!!  The cost is $5 OR bring a blanket or pack of socks for us to donate to the nursing homes. 

Agriculture students interested in taking a trip to the Sunbelt Expo in Moultrie on Oct. 19, please pick up a permission slip from Mr. Rollins. The cost is $10. The cut off date to turn in your money and permission slip is September 30th.