The Thomasville City School system is completing its Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment and needs your input. It is vital that we hear from ALL of our stakeholders to determine what we are doing right in Career Technical Agricultural Education (CTAE) and what we need to improve in order to better prepare our students to be college and career ready.
Who is invited? All system and community stakeholders (system employees, business and industry representatives, post-secondary institutions, civic leaders, students and parents)
What is it? A Community Engagement Session that will support data driven decision making and more closely align planning, spending, and accountability activities under Perkins V legislation, which funds our CTAE programs
When is it? February 28, 2020, 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Where will we meet? The Board of Education, Thomasville City Schools, 2nd Floor (404 N. Broad Street)
Lunch will be provided.
Please register at the following link if you plan to attend so that we can plan accordingly: