Seniors, it's time to turn in your Senior Quotes. Please email those to Ms. Strausser as soon as possible.

Coach O’Quinn would like to invite all girls interested in playing Softball next season to meet tomorrow at the THS Softball field at 4:00.

Students, please check your email for the link to vote for your Teacher of the Month. Please vote by the 26th.

Book Club will meet on Thursday, Jan. 26 in Ms. Strausser's room at 7:15.  

High School Yearbooks are on sale for $65 until January 27th.

Scholars Academy is hosting the Middle School Snowball Dance Friday, February 17th from 7:00-9:00pm in the MPMS Cafeteria.  Tickets are $10 and will be sold before and after school in Mrs. Rainey's classroom.

PBIS is hosting the High School Student vs Faculty Basketball Game on March 9th. This game is a reward to students who meet the following criteria: Less than 3 unexcused absences (being READY TO LEARN), zero visits to Lunch Detention (being RESPONSIBLE), zero ISS or OSS days (being RESPECTFUL) and less than 3 unexcused tardies (being ALL THREE). Students can sign up to participate in the game by filling out the form sent to their student email. The winner will receive a trophy and be named β€˜TCS Champions’ for the academic year!